OMC 2021
RAVENNA, 25-27 MAY, 2021
RAVENNA, 22 October 2020 – “The 15th OMC planned in Ravenna next 25-27 May aims to discuss the challenges of the energy transition starting from the path that the oil & gas industry has started in the last decade towards a low carbon energy mix, with a holistic perspective, enlarging the boundaries of its activities, including different sources of energy and with a more diversified energy player selection.
For this reason, the OMC 2021 is the Mediterranean Conference and no longer the Offshore Conference” – said Monica Spada (Eni), Chair OMC 2021 presenting the next edition of the international event of the energy sector that will take place at Pala de Andrè in Ravenna.
Monica Spada announced the new edition in the occasion of the closing session of REM2020 series of webinars, which have debated energy issues and future scenarios in a post pandemic environment. It is worth saying that the webinar series have attracted roughly 1000 attendees among experts, professionals and executives.
The selected theme for the 15th OMC - “Rethinking Energy together: alliances for a sustainable energy future” - sounds even more challenging in the current Covid environment as it embraces a dual challenge: accelerate with the energy transition to grow sustainably in the long term and be resilient to overcome the economic downturn in the short term.
There is no single solution to such important challenges but a set of paths to be built and tested together. This is why creating alliances among a diverse group of energy related stakeholders, working together on aligned goals and finding adequate solutions will be key to reverse the economic downturn.
The recent World Energy Outlook by IEA is presenting different future scenarios, prospecting recovery to pre-crisis levels between 2023 and 2025, mostly depending on the policy responses, recovery strategies that will be adopted to support sustainable energy objectives.
To achieve this challenging transformation OMC will rely on the legacy of REM (Renewable Energy Mediterranean Conference) and of the previous editions of OMC (Offshore Mediterranean Conference) that in 2019 attracted 24.000 attendees from 33 countries, but will also need to introduce some important changes, starting from the name – as it will target all forms of energy, no longer only oil&gas.
To take in new competences one third of the OMC 2021 Programme Committee reflects the new thematic areas involved in the energy transition process, so renewables, carbon neutrality, circular economy, digitalization. “The diversity within the Committee will represent the real strength of the new OMC we are aiming at, as it will provide a more comprehensive vision which is essential to broaden the conference contents” said the Chair OMC 2021.
An absolute novelty is represented by the “Innovation Room” which will host a series of workshops and initiatives addressing universities and schools to attract and get them involved in the energy transition path. A few examples of the initiatives: Energy Hack @OMC – to gather brilliant minds to find solutions, ideas and projects relating to the 2050 goals, involving also companies and investors; a Call for ideas – addressing universities and young people on what they think about and how they are preparing for the energy transition.
Coming to the exhibition which is such an important part of the OMC week, of course the goal is to enlarge and diversify the Exhibition portfolio of OMC exhibitors addressing companies from the new segments of the energy business.
(!) details
Place: Ravenna