OMC 2007 Proceedings Request

OMC 2007 Proceedings

The Offshore Mediterranean Conference has a long history of success and interesting technical contributions have been presented by international executives, technicians and authorities. Soon you will be able to obtain a record of that history by purchasing OMC proceedings on line.

Proceedings from OMC past editions soon available at

For information please contact:  Opens window for sending email or phone +39 0544 219418



Soon available

Soon available

Soon available

Conference Secretariat:

Viale L.C. Farini 14
48100 Ravenna
Tel. +39 0544 219418
Fax +39 0544 39347

Exhibition Secretariat:

IES srl - Z.I. Settevene
Via Cassia km 36, 400
Nepi (VT) - 01036 Italy
Tel. +39 0761 527976
Fax +39 0761 527945