Who was exhibiting in 2007?


Download here the latest available Floor Plan & Exhibitors List:    

 Initiates file downloadOMC 2007 Floor Plan - Hall A, B, C

 Initiates file downloadOMC 2007 Exhibitors'List      



Should you wish to be contacted for information about exhibiting at OMC 2009 please send your requestto Opens window for sending email exhibition@omc.it indicating:

- company contact details
- dimension of the required stand
- stand equipment package preference


To see costs and booking conditions please CLICK HERE

For further information, please contact :


IES srl - Z.I. Settevene
Via Cassia km 36, 400
Nepi (VT) - 01036 Italy
Tel. +39 0761 527976
Fax +39 0761 527945

Soon available

Soon available

Soon available

Conference Secretariat:

Viale L.C. Farini 14
48100 Ravenna
Tel. +39 0544 219418
Fax +39 0544 39347

Exhibition Secretariat:

IES srl - Z.I. Settevene
Via Cassia km 36, 400
Nepi (VT) - 01036 Italy
Tel. +39 0761 527976
Fax +39 0761 527945