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Global Energy and Mediterranean Opportunities - March 23 - 25, 2011: 09.00 - 18.00 Pala De Andrč - Viale Europa, 1 - Ravenna - Italy
Under the High Patronage of Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri. Established by Camera di Commercio Ravenna, Assomineraria, Oil and Gas Contractors

OMC 2011 is held at the Palazzo delle Arti e dello Sport “Mauro De André”, also known as PALA DE ANDRE’ - Viale Europa, 1 - 48122 Ravenna – Italy.

Pala De Andre' is on the eastern outskirts of Ravenna, a 5 minute drive from the city centre. The Exhibition and Conference venue is clearly signposted and can be easily reached by car  over 1000 parking spaces are available free of charge at Pala de André. Hundreds more are within 5 min. walk from the venue.

For OMC 2011 the organisers have worked towards the general aim of offering more exhibit space and better visibility to anyone.

In order to welcome all the requests, the exhibit space has therefore been changed and has been improved both in terms of overall availability and in terms of allocation of spaces.

OMC 2011 consists of 6 pavilions/halls as total (4 large and 2 small ones covering over 18.000 square meters in addition to the outside space available for large displays and heavy equipments.

For any further information or request, and to receive the last updated floorplan of OMC 2011 please contact the Exhibition Secretariat :

IES srl - Exhibition Secretariat
Z.I. Settevene, Via Cassia km 36,400
Nepi (VT) – 01036, Italy
Phone +39 0761 527976 - Fax +39 0761 527945
E- mail:

Last Updated Floorplan

Conference Organiser - Exibition Organiser - Associated Companies
OMC - Via L.C.Farini 14 - 48121 - Ravenna - Italy - Ph. +39 0544 219418 - Fax + 39 054434792 - e-mail:
I.E.S. - Z.I. Settevene - Via Cassia km 36.400 - 01036 Nepi (VT) - Italy - Ph. + 39 0761 527976 - Fax. +39 0761 527945 - email:
Baker Huges
Oil States
Rosetti Marino
Eni Saipem
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